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Bamba Forge
Bamba Forge
North of Uganda's capital city is a village called Bamba where you will find the local men running a busy forge. Bamba Forge was started by Tim Troyer, the founder of The Reckoning International (a non-profit development organization) with the help Professor Moses Tenywa a pastor and university professor in Uganda. Tim felt that he could combine his love of knife making with his desire to make a positive, lasting impact on the village of Bamba. The forge is an opportunity for orphaned and at-risk men of this area to learn knifemaking by hand, providing them with the skills and means to support themselves. Each of the men who works there has his own story, but they have all been given a new chapter at Bamba Forge.
These are not machine-made production knives or polished collector pieces - they are tools made by the hands of the hard-working men of Bamba. When you purchase one of their knives, every penny of the proceeds goes directly to buying food and supplies for Bamba Forge. We donate the entire sales price, shipping costs, packaging, man-hours, and taxes all go directly to the non-profit. Thank you for your support.