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Crash Ax
Bark River Knives: Crash Ax
The Bark River Crash Ax is actually a dual purpose ax. Axes of this type are usually solely used by Law Enforcement and Military as an entry tool. We wanted to make one that would also be very good at field and sporting chores. The unique grind is a combination of both convex and concave grinds. The ax is hand convex ground to sharp and then a very slight hollow (concave) grind is added behind the edge to help throw chips in wood work. The outer perimeter of the ax head is hand beveled to prevent sticking in wood if the ax is sunk deeper than its height. The spike is hand ground to a chisel point for deep penetration. The balance of the ax is designed for it to be very accurate with a slightly blade forward hang.
This run has been adjusted to throw more balance to the head during use. The handle slabs are now recessed into the shaft which removes about half a pound of weight from the shaft. The cutting/chopping head is unchanged. Chopping is now more efficient and overall the ax is easier to pack and carry.
- Overall Length: 14"
- Ax Bit: 3"
- Ax Head Width: 6"
- Thickness: +/- .290"
- Ax Material: A2 Tool Steel
- Hardness: 58-59HRC (ax head), 43-46HRC (shaft)
- Weight: 25 oz.
Includes leather sheath/cover for axe head.